Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rice in chinese cooking

Every nation has its different cooking style, as it comes out with unique taste and flavour now lets come to know about rice in Chinese cooking, it is basically divided into long, medium and short grain, the rice which is short grained is a kind of white opaque rice that is really good to make all types of Chinese desserts like boiled and ground , and it is a favourite of all.

Medium Grained Rice

Medium grained rice is also called as oval-grained rice that is quite sticky and very hard to cook, there is a process that when it is cooked during the time of cooking a sticky coating has to be washed away, rice is also enjoyed and eaten by the way of steaming it is the best way to cook the medium-grained rice. Long grained rice is very easier to cook and mainly served with Chinese food.

There are two ways to cook the rice like it can be boiled/ dry rice and thin rice. Steaming is main way to cook the dry rice, and thin rice is also known as by the name of juk' , another stuff of rice is congee or Cantonese that is prepared by boiling very little rice in so much of water, to add more flavour to it preserved egg or meat is added to it, and this recipe is mainly eaten by fried bread sticks known as 'you tiao'.

Congee is eaten as Chinese breakfast, it is also a part of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy .

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