Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chinese Haka Noodles

In Chinese Cuisine, Noodles are an essential ingredient.There is a great variety of Chinese Noodles. It varies according to the ingredients, shape,manner of preparation and region.It is an important part of most of the regional cuisines in China. Here is the recipe of Chinese Haka Noodles.To make it:

Chinese Haka Noodles
All you need:

* salt according to taste

* 1 tsp Tobasco sauce

* 1 tsp Pepper

* 1 tbsp Ginger garlic and green chilli paste

* 2 packets Chinese noodles

* Chinese Vegetables- Chopped long and thin slices.( Cabbage, Capsicum,Babycorn, French beans,Olives)

* 2 tbsp Soya sauce

* 3 bunches of Spring onion finely chopped.

* 3 tbsp Tomato Sauce

* 1/2 tsp Vinegar

* 1 tsp Ajinomoto

How to make:

* Take a vessel, boil water and add little salt and oil.Then add the noodles and cook them till they become soften.

* Take out the noodles in a bowl and cool it by adding cold water.

* Take a vessel heat oil, add greenchilli and ginger-garlic paste, then add chopped spring onions.

* Now add all the vegetables and stir fry for sometime.

* Then add spices,ajinomoto, sauces and vegetables in a bowl.

* Add noodles to the vegetables and mix well.

* After that add rest of the spring onions and mix properly.

* Enjoy!